Watauga Revitalization Action Program Incentive

WRAP is a matching grant for small business proprietors to assist with the expenses of updating and beautifying their space in the City of Watauga.  

Eligible Enhancements include:

  • Better acessiblility to enter establishment
  • Awnings or covered entrances 
  • Appropriate or additional store signage
  • Removal of obstructions
  • Permit fee assistance
  • Replacement of windows, frames, or doors visible from the street
  • Paving assistance or parking lot improvements
  • Cleaning, repainting, or residing
  • Landscaping improvements
  • Other requests upon approval

This matching grant will provide up to $10,000 for five qualifying businesses a year for the next five years.

Simply complete the application below, submit the required documents, and we will schedule an appointment to determine your eligibility for this grant.  

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